Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I had a follow on video call with my physio today re my back which I'm delighted to say is much better. Sadly, the video part of the call didn't work again, so it was only a phone call. Having said that I'm happy all is going well. The tech term from the physio dept is going to try to sort things for next week.
Colin was going to a concert in Musselburgh this afternoon so we headed down to Newhailes for lunch first. I had a delicious Caesar salad while Colin opted for the carrot and coriander soup.
I dropped Colin at the North Esk church and headed off to deepest East Lothian (well Port Seton) for some fish for dinner. I am so fond of fresh haddock and am really very boring about it, so I'm told. I love the flavour of it, very simply fried, so much so that I don't like it complicated by any others, so cooking it in sauce is a real no no! It was as good I hoped it would be btw!
After a walk around the harbour in the giddy wind, I headed back to Musselburgh and was slightly early for Colin so popped into Di Rollo for an ice-cream - well I didn't have any pudding at lunch time!
This was a 'do it yourself' Sundae with lavender, strawberry and vanilla ice creams finished with chocolate sauce and nuts, and of course a crispy wafer.
Excellent choice if I do say so myself.
The extra was a bit of irresistible fun. Colin went shopping in the Charity Shop yesterday. I laughed out loud when I saw the receipt! I didn't know they were allowed to sell those!
Friday tomorrow, already, where is the time going?

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