The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Have you guessed what it is yet?

I used to love those shots on Tv qiz shots of the 70s where they'd show you a close up photo of, say, the head of a tap, and you'd have to guess what it was.

Clue: this one was growing at the base of a tall tree trunk in the school grounds. Every day I pass it and wonder at the beads of 'sweat' on it. Looks a bit threatening, given the many warnings about such things, but also in super macro it reminds me of making cinder toffee/home made crunchie. You make a sticky golden gloop in a saucepan, and then add bicarbonate of soda. It rises up like a demon, frothing all over. Then you quickly pour it into a pan and leave it to set. And then cover it with chocolate and eat in bed...

Which reminds me ... I now have to make flapjack for a school tea party, as well as finishing tidying my study cupboard with its 2-ft-deep shelves (I've bought some storage boxes and some moth proofing, so have not more excuses), and then I have to order a load of materials for two classes of 34 teenage Japanese students who will soon be having the joy of learning recreational aromatherapy with me. 34 in a class!

Holiday starts on July 22nd; we are going to my mother's house in Argyll. This time next week I will be on the shores of Loch Etive, gazing at the sun still high in the sky, watching otters play on the shore, and of course getting eaten alive by midges!

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