Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

To boldly go

Inspired by Japanese photos in today’s Guardian newspaper. Getting creative at the bottom of the garden after dark …

Today was busy. Every day is busy these days. Major achievement was installing a new smart cat flap that can read your cat’s microchip and allows you to give permissions of entry and exit. Cutting chunks out of doors is always fun. This one was stuffed with high density foam with a plastic covering. The multi tool went through it like a knife through vegan butter on a hot day when the fridge has broken down. Bit unnerving how easy it was.

Managed a short trip into town.Found an offcut of plywood to do a minor repair in the kitchen. TSM cooked a wicked supper.

Need a good night’s sleep tonight. Informal Uni reunion tomorrow. Five of us and at least that many pubs. Class of ‘79. Where did that 45 years go? 

Pointless selfie in the extras. 

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