Marsupium Photography

By magi

black ruin

Trip to CVK via the Westhafen to attend my course. The Moabit powerstation received a coal delivery. Presumably they are preparing for the winter. The plant provides district heating, including the nearby hospital and power. If you look closely you can see the coal falling off the conveyor belt. I love watching the crane unload the barges (see extra). The CHP burns 40% biomass which also gets delivered by barge

The course was super interesting. We learned of various software packages to produce digital media. I will need to get into producing screencasts and I can see using online multiple choice, wordcloud, brainstorming, etc tools is very useful. I suspect I will give the animation tools a miss. The animations end up looking very corporate and samey. Anyway, I need to get cracking with planning my course for next year.

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