Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


More errands for Saturday, and preparation for Little Man's party. I'm really looking forward to getting everything set up but I'm hoping my health holds up until then. I feel like I'm developing a cold or something like that. I've been feeling off all day and I think Little Man has as well. He's not been himself and that often means that something is going to happen, health wise.

I also printed out some more photos for Little Man's photo album. Though, the kiosk ran out of photo paper and none had been ordered. So I had to go back to print off the last few pictures, though the staff didn't charge me for the last few, because I'd already paid for them. They were very good about it all. The management had been away on holiday and none of the staff who were covering had remembered to order any new photo paper. It won't stop me going to the same kiosk to print off more pictures in future.

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