
By Rosemarie55

World Folk Lore Day

15°C  -  14 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  29 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  Today is World Folk Lore Day and as it happens when looking through papers and photos today I came across this entrance ticket to 'Der Man von La Mancha' (The Man of La Mancha) that I attended in a German forest setting on 22 August 1996  -  it has the folklore of 'chivalry' as one of its themes.  The ticket is particularly amusing to me because the paper I stuck it to has 'Abend - viel Seckt trinken' written on it  -  'Evening  -  much Champagne drunk'.  You'll see that all those years ago I wrote on the ticket 'Shingles'.  Well, the story behind that is that I thought I had mosquito bites from being in a forest, but it turned out to be Shingles!  If you're interested in folklore this LINK is quite good.  A synopsis of the play which has been made into a musical and a film HERE!  I suppose Halloween, Witchcraft, and lots of other examples in fairy tales come to mind when thinking 'folklore'.

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