Over Yonder

By Stoffel

The Antithesis of Briar

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Briar was BESIDE herself.

"I have to show you my presentation!" she said. 

As one of those kick-off, get-to-know-your-team meetings, her whole project team had been asked to do a presentation on where they are from. 

Briar's presentation, "Lower Hutt Is Not A Very Interesting Place" was a HOOT.

It included slides which said. "We have a river. Sometimes it floods" and "This is the biscuit factory. It has closed down."

"Most of my family comes from Lower Hutt but some of them live in Huntly" said the next slide.

The slide after that explained that, "Huntly is listed as one of the Sh*t Towns of New Zealand in the book 'Sh*t Towns of New Zealand'." 

(This is an actual book. Feel free to look it up.)

I was CRYING. And when I told Caro about it, she cried too. 

This is just Briar. It is who she is. And the GLEE with which she showed me her presentation, tells you even more about her.

Sadly, she did not get a chance to deliver it to the team though. I'll have to let you know how that goes next week. 


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