
By Technophobe

Big thistle thing

We went for a blipmeet at Cobbs At The Farm  near Stratford. Forgot to take a blip of the group, so this big thistle thingy will have to do. 
The usual suspects, LooseCanon and I were there together with Hildasrose and Rob, Mrs Chrispybox, but not Chrispybox himself as he had a late call up for international*  Bowls duties, and also StevenG ( I know he loves an Oxford comma) and Gill. We had lunch, or brunch and a good natter.
Siri  Knowledge tells me this is Cardoon. I thought they were artichokes. I think they’re similar.

*Might have been slightly more local but anyway he was indispensable and heroically gave up his chance to have lunch with us and saved the day. What a stalwart !

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