Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


[Backblip]. Little Man and I have had a lovely, quiet day. We stayed home for most of it with a few exceptions.

We went to the supermarket to get milk. Little Man has decided to ask for milk when he's thirsty instead of water. He's also taken to getting the milk out the fridge and handing it to me with his empty cup. He'll then put the milk back into the fridge when I ask him to.

We took his little step bike out for a wonder through town. Thankfully, Oudewater is very quiet so I don't have to worry about cars, it's just the bikes I have to keep an eye on. Since this is the Netherlands, the land of many bikes, you have to keep an eye out when walking that you don't accidentally walk in front of one. Some of the riders aren't very pleasant when someone makes them change their path (whether or not they're in the right).

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