nogbad's blips

By nogbad

Gone big

Many years ago, I was involved in a project to assess the value of tablet computers in teaching and learning. The project was simple, a group of us were given an iPad each (they were relatively new at that time) and told to play with it for a year. I was hooked. Once it went back, I bought a Samsung tablet, and I've used one ever since. This is the latest iteration, it arrived yesterday, and I've moved away from the 10" and gone for 12" (and change). I've also got a bluetooth keyboard for it, it's part of the case. 

Setting it up was easy, I just connected it to the old tablet and it copied the data and settings over - as it did that I thought back to the hours I've spent wrestling with new PCs. I've not had time to play with it much but the bigger screen certainly makes a difference, and the keyboard means that I can use it as a cut-down laptop. I'm using my OU OneDrive to share work documents and Google docs for my personal documents; I can work on either from my PC or tablet, it's so much easier with a keyboard.

The lock screen image is of a sandwich shop in the 1970s.   

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