
By BernardYoung


'Hello Bernard,
it's easy to lose track
when you're having fun”
says BT
who are keen for me
to 'claim' my early renewal deal
before my contract ends.

It is easy to lose track.
Not so long ago I was a boy
on a bike who road the back
lanes with a bunch of pals
to go swimming at Woodhall Spa.
We didn't consider 10 miles too far
(20 miles round trip!) to go for
a few hours of fun in the pool.

It is easy to lose track.
Wasn't it just yesterday
that Mrs Black
read out one of my stories
to the rest of the class
at my village primary school?

And it seems no time at all
since me and Eddy rebelled
and each flicked a two-finger V
in time to be recorded for posterity
on the annual whole school photo
at our local Grammar. The Head
was livid when parents complained.
We were expelled.

It is easy to lose track.
Marriages, births, deaths.
When did those occur?
Some memories are so clear
but the timeline's a blur.

Dad in the hospital. Mum
in the care home. Her head
a jumble of reminiscences;
the valuable and the bric-a-brac
rattling around in there.
'Hey Jude' playing on the radio.
Such a great track.

And that day out last week
when we met up with whatshername.
That might have been last year.
And isn't it time I phoned Andy.
Whenever did we last speak?
It is just too easy to lose track.

School Report

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