
By Veronica


Not exactly a gig photo, but I loved the way the light was illuminating the medieval wall of the chateau (needs to be large on a black background).

The performance was a reading by Sophie d'Aubreby from her novel S'en Aller. If it was a book promotion it wasn't a good one, because I left the performance not knowing her name or the title of the book. Luckily I spotted a poster for it this morning, so was able to fill the lacuna in my knowledge (and order the book online). See extra for the actual event.

The novel is based on what Sophie knows about her great-aunt, who disguised herself as a boy and went to sea on a trawler. Later she was a member of the French resistance. I confess I wasn't always listening to the words of the reading. Sophie has a melodious voice, and she was accompanied by Charlotte, who played drifting abstract tunes on a synthesiser, and it was very soothing just listening to their combined music and admiring the setting. The event wasn't very long, luckily, as it was quite windy and we started to get chilly. There were about 20 people there: "Three times yesterday's audience!" said Sophie.

Earlier, pizza night. The secret bowl of trifle came out and was rapidly consumed.

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