An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Gender reveal…

It’s a girl! :-))

Andrew has his case packed, the thought of another Esme is giving him the fear! LOL!

Busy day. Trip to Costco in Glasgow in the morning. So busy! Had to park at the furthest away point in the car park and got soaked getting to the place! We were very good though and only bought what was on the shopping list. Temptation central though!

Home in time for a late lunch then Lauren came to gel polish my nails. Her client before me was 97 years old. Jeez, if I live to that age I hope I can still be bothered to get my nails done!

Then it was time to head to Andrew and Nikki’s for the gender reveal of their new baby. Esme was at the scan with them but decided she didn’t want to know as she knew she couldn’t keep it a secret and would blurt it out (a big secret for a five year old :-) to assembled family back home, so the sonographer had to talk in terms of ovaries and testes! :-))

Once all together both grans were handed a balloon and the countdown to the reveal began. Great excitement and great delight. Now I know what colour to edge the baby blanket with :-))

Pizzas and birthday cake followed as it was also mum-to-be Nikki’s birthday.

Home just after 11pm and fell straight into bed exhausted!!

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