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STRAVA Day 1180- Indoor yoga

Timehop diptych on Tumblr

Real treasure is family-- December 3, 2023 on Blip

Was not able to cycle earlier as White Fiona's front wheel requires to be brought to the vulcanizing shop. Gramps (my father) also did not cycle because he had a cycling accident yesterday: he hit a rock on the road and fell on his back. He is waiting for his X-ray results this afternoon. We're hoping he does not have a broken rib. 

The theme for Wide Wednesday today is a tough one but having the challenge in mind, I still went out for a walk. Image is a combined shot of the sunrise at our local terminal and one of our church's side area. Besides family, having signs of life in nature and being surrounded by structure filled with history can be considered a treasure as well. 

Have a good one!

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