
By cindy_ellis

A day of chores

We left home early to go to our mothers for a day of getting things done. First we straightened up the kitchen. It did not take long as it was already in order. I cleaned the rest of the house while Grammy helped go through piles of mail and bills. Keeping them all filed is a job. We did several loads of cloths, the usual dusting and vacuuming and floor scrubbing. While all that was going on hubby trimmed bushes and the bank down by the water, cutting 3 truck loads of limbs and brush. We had a nice lunch together. Everything is all spiffed up for tomorrow nights card game.
 I did some house cleaning when we got home.  Hubby raked the beach since the big waves and high tide from Ernesto's passing by left a line of trash and debris. The work is never done. We are in a push to get everything done so we will be ready to go to the farm early Friday morning. Hope you had a nice day as well...thanks for the gifts!

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