Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Over the sea to ...

Greenock. Not quite the same ring to it, but the place to find my hairdresser, whose ministrations I desperately needed after waiting an extra fortnight after the email reminder (as if I needed reminding) that my hair would be getting ... well, the way it has been this past week or so. I'd arranged the appointment for 2.30pm, however, so first I had time to go to my painting class - a much more peaceful affair than last week, as I was the only pupil today and got on with learning to paint - most appropriately - a sky full of cumulus cloud.For the first time since I started I felt I was doing some proper watercolour painting - lots of water, for a start, and bigger brushes, and a bit of kitchen towel ...

Himself came for me to whisk me back to the house to change and get off on the 1pm ferry. This gave us time to have lunch in Tonino's, next door to the hair salon, before my appointment. It wasn't busy, so Michael and I could have a good blether as he cut - it really is one of the more relaxing things I do! By the time we were back on the ferry the wind was getting up and the rain fairly bashed down on the car deck - I'm glad I went today and wasn't waiting till tomorrow or Thursday!

Once home we stretched our legs with a quick march along to the wonderful hardware shop on the outskirts of town, and home for pasta with truffle sauce. And then ... Well, I've seen hardly anything of the evening's telly; I kept falling deeply asleep and came within an inch of pouring hot tea all over myself  - not good.

Photo is of the street that runs down to Greenock container terminal, where there is often a cruise ship berthed in what must be one of the less glamorous cruise destinations ... Good big crane, however!

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