Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


The weather has been chilly and windy today and as I didn't need any shopping I decided to stay indoors.  Did a few outstanding chores including some ironing.  This evening its quite cold so Ive had the heating on for a couple of hours.

The Tiny Tuesday challenge is ' Bark or sticks, limbs'.  I nipped into the back garden and took quite a few shots of different things... but when I looked at the photos later I wasn't really happy with any of them.  So this is the best of the bunch. Part of my lilac bush.  Thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting.

Sticking with the wood theme my brother C sent me some photos of two wall mounted planters he has made for his front garden.  He had some bits of old decking and used the Japanese technique (  Shou Sugi Ban) where you preserve/waterproof wood by charring it  - and then he covered the pieces in epoxy resin. Then he built his planters.   I've added photos of them in my Extras.  He's now filled both of them with plants. 

Steps today - 3,047

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