
By Ingleman

Wheat A Bix

I have been working (very hard I might say!) in the garden. It has been a warm sunny day and I have been transplanting trees and a shrub.  We had two young Acers in large pots but they were pot bound and needed to be planted. 

And a box bush that came with us from Wolverhampton and has been neglected. So, several large holes were dug, much sweat was broken and the trees and shrub were happily put to bed with multi purpose compost and much watering.

Job done and now they have two chances. We will wait and see..

I needed some air and so took Hollie for a breezy walk along the dale, through several fields out toward Munslow village. Here there is an enormous field of wheat just begging to be harvested. I believe it is not quite there yet. But soon, soon it will be gathered in and we will have our breakfast provided for another year.

It would make a devilish jigsaw puzzle, wouldn't it!

In the extra there is a fine aspect across the Corvedale out to Abdon Burf and the Clee Hills (blipped many times before) I just find the light irresistible.

We are enjoying a fine spell of warm weather, I hope it lasts....

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