
By WeeDragon_J


Busy bumblebee round the park flowers. Was getting blown about a bit. Sunny morning & some heavy short showers in the afternoon.

Managed to get an appointment for the Dr this morning. Dr J was very thorough & now have 2 sets of antibiotics to take over next five days. Yeuch & not dairy products for a week. Careful what I eat to cope with infection, pain, IBS & antibiotics & a new thing the Dr thinks the issue is probably diverticulitis.

Looking at a glass of water & a tablet with dread after just having had a meal.

Hopefully it eases after treatment.

Off to get bloods with the nurse tomorrow to get that all checked too.

It's difficult when you disengage from things then leave it a bit too long to then re-engage but did, managed & now treatment. It's been over a year since last at GP Surgery.

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