
By ArcLight

Rare picture of me

It's pretty rare that I post pictures of myself, but I make an exception today as I really like the picture which L took of me when we were halfway through our cross Migdale swim.

I checked out my blips and it was 15 July last year when I did it, in the company mainly of A (with L and M out ahead). In fact, it was a great opportunity to get to know A! That time, it took me 56 minutes. Today was 53 minutes, plus there was a pause on the other side to take some photos using the Go Pro, which I had transported in the outside pouch on my float. So probably around 51 minutes of swimming, leaving me hopeful that I won't embarrass myself at Kessock, as today's swim is also around 1200 metres (as is Kessock), albeit loch swimming is a little flatter and easier than sea swimming. You are supposed to finish Kessock in 60 minutes, but M told me today that they let someone take 100 minutes last year. I don't think I will need that long! I reckon it will take me around an hour.

It was a glorious swim. Really enjoyable, and great weather, although there was a bit of rain as we drove up there, and also there had been a shower in Tain. Very relaxing, and good company, although I was generally swimming well behind M and L.

This time last year I had to head away to Scandinavia for a week of work, coming back to Tain just for the last week of August and just into September. I am very happy that I don't have to head away this time.

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