
By RadioGirl

Tiny Tuesday - Tree Bark

It was our fortnightly house group this morning, which overran by nearly half a hour as we had so much we wanted to discuss. The rain held off, so we were able to sit outside and make the most of summer. After that, I had another ‘change of address’ letter to post so made a detour on the way home and then realised I hadn’t got anything in for lunch, which necessitated a walk over to Tesco.

Lunch was therefore a bit later than anticipated, and then I had a bit of unexpected GP surgery admin to do after they messaged me about something. As my cleaners hadn’t been able to come last Friday I thought I’d better do some bathroom/kitchen cleaning, dusting, polishing and vacuuming before it got too bad. Then I found the blinds were dusty, so took the Henry hoover brush to those. By the time I’d done all these jobs the afternoon was gone. And this is what happens when I think I’ll get a couple of those dratted boxes emptied out…. Basically I’m just too busy to get organised!

Thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting Tiny Tuesday for August, with this week’s theme of tree bark, sticks or limbs. I’ve chosen to show the slender branches of my beloved Acer tree, with the detail of one branch’s bark in the foreground.

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