
By JohnW

Eye eye . . .

. . . is this bark or knot? . . .
Sorry about that, but I just couldn’t resist . . .
Mary has challenged ‘Bark or sticks, limbs’ for this weeks TinyTuesday and I seem to have covered one and a half with this shot.  Plenty of bark and the cut off limb has left a knot looking like an eye.  It’s only a centimetre or two in diameter so I reckon that is tiny enough, and is in one of the leylandii trunks that I had left to be a hammock post.
Ventured out with Mrs W to the local garden centre to find a rosemary plant to replace the one we lost this summer, and actually wound up in Tesco who had loads, and some mint.   It gave us a chance to try out the ‘falls/sos alarm’ away from the home, and it worked perfectly including an accurate location.  Let’s hope we never need to use it!
Many thanks to MaryElizaR for hosting TinyTuesday this month.

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