It's a precarious existence...

...on the edge of a flower. This red beetle with two black bands is collecting its thoughts after a fall. It looks like it's a Trichodes apiarius which parasitises burrowing bees. It otherwise dines on pollen, which is what it was doing until it fell off. Actually I thought my other shots were a bit indistinct but they were much the same as the ones I used to identify it.

It was a cool and breezy day, so quite a few shots were disappointing. I saw a 14 spotted ladybird which was rather small. The Burnets are still busy reproducing and a green shiny beetle looked quite splendid on a yellow flower.

Much of what I'm forced to read at the moment is literally mind numbing for various reasons. Walking round the field I was cheered to find a few carrots which were growing where they had ample opportunity last year.

The next few days might be a bit more dynamic I hope since we are looking forward to our visitor!

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