Life through the lens...

By ValC

Original Love

That is the name of this lovely lily which has opened out today.
I liked the way the sun was casting a shadow of the stamens onto one of the petals.

Another hot day! Seems to be getting hotter!!!

No sitting out in the garden though, as the water board have been digging up next doors drive, to mend a broken sewer pipe!

Fortunately no smell, but very noisy!

So sat inside for some peace and quiet.

Also went to Currys as have decided to buy a new fridge/freezer.
Our fridge isn't nearly big enough, especially at this time of year, and in this weather.

Means the kitchen will have to be reorganised, but will be worth it.

Off to make tea.
Prawn salad and new potatoes. Too hot for anything cooked.

Just have one piece of goosegog pie left!
Wonder who will win it, or may cut it in half, and have extra ice cream!

Just realised I blipped this lily on the same day last year, but very different weather!
Just shows how the garden has caught up after being a month behind in Spring!
See last years blip here

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