
By maureen6002


I suppose it’s unsurprising that my energy levels are pretty low today after a busy weekend - busy for me that is. 

I’ve really enjoyed my foray into street and portrait photography over the past few days, but there are no opportunities for capturing laughing faces today. Instead - with apologies -  I spend time thinking about my favourite laughter photos in my archives. 

My favourite is a shot taken during the speeches at Daniel and Solveig’s wedding - taken from their wedding album. I can’t even remember exactly what we were laughing at,  but Daniel and I are in stitches about one of the stories told by his best man. Shared laughter is so wonderful, especially when it’s with your loved ones. As an extra, there’s another taken by G where all five of us are laughing about something - again I can’t remember what - so typical about family time together. 

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