A time for everything

By turnx3

Heading home!

Friday 16 August
All good things must come to an end as they say, so after almost four weeks in England and Spain, today saw us heading home. We left Janet and John’s about 8.15. They’re just about 25 minutes away from the airport. We dropped the rental car off and took the shuttle bus to the airport. Check-in and security went fairly well, and we had plenty of time for a coffee and cake before heading to the gate. We had a smooth flight to Atlanta, during which I watched two movies, Perfect Life and One Life, about the London broker Nicky Winton, who helped rescue hundreds of predominantly Jewish children from Czechoslovakia in a race against time before the Nazi occupation closed the borders - very moving. We arrived slightly early in Atlanta, and it was a “breeze” going through immigration and customs, as opposed to the hassle and long lines going through New York last year. Our ongoing flight to Cincinnati was at 6.55, arriving about 8.30. By the time we got home, it was about 10 pm ( or 3 am according to our body clocks), so I went straight to bed!
My collage, starting top left, and going clockwise, shows taking off from Manchester, taking off from Atlanta, sculpture in Atlanta airport, made from crayons, and finally approaching Cincinnati airport at sunset.

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