Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Fruta Fresca

Fruta fresca stand.  Want anything?


Roofing guys here to do a pre-start walk through.  Things not getting off to an auspicious start, I'll spare the details.  Noisy afternoon listening to them banging around on the roof and this is just the walk through.

Once work commences we can look forward to a lot of dust and potentially cracked ceilings.  We've been advised that we should cover the beds and other furniture and electronics with sheets every work day.  There will be 5 guys here each day and it's not going to be much fun.  But, I ain't gonna be here, so before I leave tomorrow I will cover my desktop and the various printers, scanners, etc., and head to the airport and what will be, will be.  I have photographed all the ceilings in every room so that there is a before in case an after happens and I need to show.  

Now I am down to the pool to meet J who will be kindly covering my pool duties while I am outta here.

Bought apple pie for dessert tonight, going to need it.

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