That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Harvest Time

We had an errand or two in East Lothian so had coffee at Smeaton Tearoom, sitting outside to allow the birds to join us for crumbs, after which we drove to Tantallon Castle (see extra), as it is a couple of decades since we were last there.

House martins have been nesting in the stonework and dozens were whirling around incessantly; gulls scared off a heron to another bay but otherwise wildlife was scant. From the battlements we watched a horse and buggy travel around the fields and all around was the sound of combine harvesters.

From the car park we could watch at close quarters the approach of one, as it extended its delivery pipe and transferred its cargo of wheat into a waiting trailer before continuing its task - which will require many more circuits of the field before it is finished (extra2).

Had the bypass not been solid all the way from the A1 to our exit we might have arrived home and dry - but the rain began when we were barely halfway. No matter, we'd had the best of the day.

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