Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

In the woods

Jerry wanted to get out of the house today so we drove down to Clarks Hill Lake about an hour away.  I packed sandwiches so we could eat lunch there at the lake as I knew there were parking places close to covered picnic shelters that Jerry could manage with the knee scooter.   We also decided to take the old dog since we thought she might like to cool off in the lake at one of the swimming beaches.

This scene really lifted my heart up.  I miss being in the woods on a trail.

It was not easy.   The dog did not like the heat and she fell on the short walk I took her to get this photo.   She was able to get back up on her feet but she was stressed.   When we got to the beach area she really was not interested in going in the water and this was so not like her.  She has lab and shepherd in her which normally means she would be in the water for sure.      Not really a good day for her.

Jerry did okay on the concrete sidewalk area but the knee scooter did not do well on the short area of grass he had to cross to get to the shelter.   

And my car did something weird so I called the service department where I have my service contract.   OCTOBER 14 before they can even look at it.    Jerry thinks it might be the battery going bad but we wanted them to make sure it wasn't something in the electrical system.   I am going to take it to the auto parts store where they can check the battery for free.   Keep your fingers crossed that is the problem.  

The Tiny Tuesday hearts for TT481 are awarded to the following.   Lots of good entries for "paper" this past week.    Next week TT482 we will be finding bark, twigs, sticks and limbs.  

Hevkk     art paper drawing

JennyOwen   a paper bowl

JayBay   a tiny book with a wooden cover

creativelenna   a handmade paper book

esiuol  tiny origami earrings

There were several origami photos, stamps and handmade paper that I really liked.  Being a bookaholic, the tiny books just grabbed my attention.     I wish we had more hearts to give.   

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