
By Pinkhairedlady

Heading home again

A rather chilly start to the day. Who said it was August when the temperature was only 13C.?

Didn’t take too long to get packed up and ready for the off as we’d taken the awning down yesterday.

A pitstop at Bruar to pick up some soup and a sandwich to eat at the caravan and we were home by just after 2.30.

Got most of the interior emptied and a couple of loads of washing done and hanging around the house where I’ve had to put the heating on!

I’ve neglected to take any photos today but hope you’ll forgive me using one of my favourite photos of my dad. He loved a party and this was taken a few years before we list him back in 2010. He always had a twinkle in his eyes.

Thanks to Apollofly for hosting MonoMonday.

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