
By Munroist4113

Annual family photo shoot

We made the 2 hour round trip to Corbridge for the ENT appointment. They gave me a hearing test and a consultant visiting from the Freeman examined my ears and nose. He said I have good hearing. I said did that mean “good hearing” or “good hearing for my age”. It was the latter. Apparently I have a deviated septum in my right nostril and could have it operated on. I said I had no wish for an operation unless it was essential and it’s not.

When we got back #3 daughter and family were already there and #2 arrived soon after. Priority was getting the family photo done before the rain then the children disappeared upstairs while everyone chatted and I got the meal sorted.

As expected Ella and Nathaniel ate the Lithuanian soup. Thomas and James did take one spoonful and their cousins ate the rest. We had the Kolokithapita, potatoes, green beans and broccoli followed by stewed gooseberries. James ate none of it so got himself a Granny breakfast (muesli).

It was established that Ella is about a centimetre shorter than me.

Everyone has gone except for the boys who are happily playing with their Premier league football cards.

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