
By Incredibish

Bye, Purbeck, you've been grand!

And home again... not a bad run back and oh! that lovely hot shower... in fairness I didn't actually try the showers on site and a good stemy shower really sorted out the stiff driver's backache.

What a fab festival. We've already booked for next year.

And coming home we find the building has really come along while we've been away. The window company turned up to check some details and we had a chance to think about the window design again...

We realised that from the kitchen window there is a huge viewing opportunity through the new patio doors to the gable end window and the garden beyond, and we've decided that the window should therefore be wide and unencumbered by internal trims.

Anyhow, a tip o' the hat to the Purbeck Valley Folk Festival organisers, and to our amazingly hard working builders. Badger, badger...

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