
By MumOf4Wildlings


Oh it felt good to get back to work this morning.  Today and tomorrow is just training days. So there were a few presentations to get through.  
Mr R stayed at home and worked for a while until nana and grandad took over. The 3 big ones got on great. The jedi is going through some kind of phase . He won't let nana or anyone change him if his nappy is wet or soiled.  And he won't eat the food he likes and just generally is out of sorts if I leave. He got upset when I came home and after cuddles he has spent the last couple of hours upstairs just wanting to be left alone. 

I'm going to cook fajitas for their dinner. 3 of them will eat them and it's a meal where Lincoln will actually eat loads. And I won't have to worry about him not eating.  
We're still waiting on a appointment for him . 

The weather is pouring down. I'm going to attempt a 10k run tonight.  I prefer the coolness of the rain. I will take some painkillers before hand. I'm not really sleeping well at the moment with my bad shoulder and my good shoulder has been playing up for a while too. Not great but hey ho. 

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