
By Inglemantwo

Can't See The Wood For The Trees

This morning I took the last few pictures around the caravan park before setting off for home.

I always take Hollie for a run in the woods when we are in Wales and she loves it.

Totally impressed by the blips from Jackyt and her two marvellous dogs Dina and Keely, I set trails for Hollie in the trees.

She goes about the task with great enthusiasm. And doesn't give up.

Today the ball was hidden, behind a log, in amongst some bracken.

It took her ten minutes of quartering and back tracking, but she got it eventually.

I am so proud of her. It is just a game. A bit of fun. But she takes it very seriously!

Back home now, back to reality.

But then, Shropshire is not such a bad place to come home to!

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