
By Groggster

Setting Your Sights On In Store Sunnies

As visitors to my journal may be aware I'm rather partial to a closed retail outlet or shop for the purposes of capturing a blip image. So I set off on another lone local photographic safari back to our local retail park today as soon as closing time had passed determined to continue my shut commercial premises series.
Luckily I was able to find all three of today's shots within a traversement of our local supermarket's car park. My main image of this enigmatic looking lady with her film star countenance and oversized black sunglasses (who gives the impression she might not be too pleased with the reflection of my arm impinging on her portrait but hopefully she wasn't able to see much from behind those dark shades anyway!) intended to entice customers in store for a sight test to enable them to avail themselves of a free prescription to encourage the purchase of similar luxury eyewear. 
My first extra was shot through the window of the supermarket's cafe and I just enjoyed how the light played with the 'ghost' reflection of a nearby parked van which fortuitously aligned almost perfectly with a row of shopping trolleys and their accompanying child seats.
My last extra features the straight lines of a row outdoor lockers, the curves of one of the aforementioned trolley child seats and the happy happenstance of a stray empty can of cherry Coke which just happened to match part of my chosen colour scheme!

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