My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Monkey Thor

Summer holiday 2024 day 3

The idea this morning was to get out for a walk up the Wrekin but, being a nice Sunday, seemingly everybody in Shropshire had the same idea so there was a lack of anywhere to park at the foot. So, a change of plan saw us heading to Little Wenlock to try the park there instead and try out the outdoor gym equipment. Owen then decided he was hungry (we'd promised ice cream at the Halfway House) so we popped into The Huntsman for a snack and a drink sat outside in the beer garden. Proper summer holiday stuff. 

Back to the farm for a lunch of last night's leftovers before heading home. In a vain attempt to tire Owen out I took him to another playground, this time up Crowmeole Lane, to have a climb and swing about. He went straight for the monkey bars, taking them with ease, and then went back for another go, giving me chance to film him for Louisa...and posterity. 

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