MarcyW Photography

By Marcy

Hot Day In DE

I woke this morning at 4.30am, played on my phone and ipad till Hubby woke up around 6.15am....once he left for work I felt tired again so went back to sleep till 9.30am - got up, made smoothie for breakfast and then headed out for a walk to the Post Office. I had bought an extra battery for my camera but see I don't need it....the one's I have are more than returned.
While out today I took this photo of the river in my little town...had my 85mm lens on the camera so could not do FAR AWAY types of shots.
Walked home ( total of 45mins there and back )
Did some editing of yesterdays shoot...put washing machine on and then later went to lie in the sun for an hour...
Now time to blip
Then prepare dinner, which is Salmon and Sweet potato with salad this evening
Later I head off to teach a fitness class....wonder who will be there in this heat as the German's dislike hot weather :))

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