Big Hill

By bighill

Group Photo!

A bit more relaxed and laid back for sure, but still lots going on.....visiting, eating - and of course the final photo gathering before some had to leave.

I am mostly a very solitary person, and Terry and I don't tend to do very much socializing here at Big Hill, so to have 3 days of constant visiting and chatting is challenging and  i'm very much in need of some quiet.   It's a strange thing and very difficult to balance, it has been just so wonderful to spend time with Robin's sisters, and the other members of the extended family, and it's also just a bit too intense.  But i did manage to take breaks when i felt the need...sometimes just 45 minutes alone in my room renewed my energy for another round :)  Such generous and fun folks, we had so much help over the 3 days preparing and having the event, it would have been impossible to pull off without so many willing hands!

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