
By Ridgeback13


Managed to feel a bit more positive today. Bit of a lie in then I went to a session on the ethical dilemmas involved in fundraising for the arts. Highly choreographed role playing type of session…it might have worked better in that format if it had been longer, but in an hour it ended up being a bit superficial. Afterwards quite a few of us continued the conversation and it was good to chat to both those I knew and some new people.
Afterwards CK and I had some tea and a scone and general chat which was also fun-as usual moving between talk of mutual acquaintances, photography, family and funding issues.
I went home and did some more food thinking/recipe browsing before then watching several episodes of a programme someone had recommended .. daft but fun. I noticed a butterfly had come into the sitting room and sat for a long time on my window ledge…I’ve seen so few this year.
Later I went to see Amy Liptrot and Stef Smith talking about Amy’s book The Outrun and the new play adaptation (written by Stef and which we went to see the other night) and new film of the book that is released at the end of September. Interesting session although the audience questions weren’t queuing up! Still, Amy was more chatty than last year (in fact a year ago to the day!) when I saw her, online that time since she had Covid.
Home and drove to the airport to collect A. She was delayed, but on the way home it was good to hear about her trip and the sunshine in Barcelona

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