Marking Time

By Libra

Printmaking Festival- a resounding success

Photo: Deb Wing , founder of the Festival, (right) with volunteer Alfie.
Printmaker Deb Wing had an idea. Why not get all the printmakers in Scotland together for a weekend to showcase their work?
Well, she did. This weekend saw the first Scottish Printmakers Festival held at Stirling university.
“I had a team of ten people plus volunteers helping me” Deb told me this afternoon.” It’s taken us two years to organise. “
The hard work was justified. Over a 1,000 people turned up.
“If you have an idea then you go with it,” said Deb Wing explaining her success.
All the printmakers, and university, are both delighted and astonished at the response from the public.
What do they attribute their success to?  Several artists told me it’s because people now crave original craft made work something with the stamp of the artist because so much of our lives today is screen based. Digital work was forbidden.
But this event was only made possible because of technology. It was organised through emails and zoom meetings with money raised money to fund it through crowd funding.
In fact most of the printmakers’ involved met in real life for the first time this weekend.
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