
By earthdreamer


Work has taken over my head this last week. I can't do multi-tasking. I think I still do single-tasking pretty well, but it feels like it uses every bit of capacity I have. On Saturday, getting off the bus near E's new house, I left my camera on the front seat. I realised pretty much the moment the bus left. I hot-tailed it over to her new address and greeted at her front door in a panic. 'We have a bus to chase,' I told her. It was the first time she'd left this home and struggled to find the right key to lock the door. It wasn't exactly the vibe I was aiming at for such an important moment. But all turned out well. We chased the bus down and I managed to retrieve the camera, meaning there were two things to celebrate when we went out for dinner.

Today, I forgot to take the camera with me to the office. It was a long but productive day. I didn't get home until quite late evening. I had to borrow a colleague's phone to get my portrait for the day. I just about remembered to take a shot of the sunset through my back window.

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