It's definitely been a different Sunday. I have seen a certain model of car that I like and can get one fairly cheap. I have shares I can sell and various bits elsewhere. I really don't feel myself without my car.
The cars that I am finding that fit the bill are all in the west which is really annoying.
I did find one on the other side of Edinburgh but too expensive but thought it may be a good idea to test drive it. No point in making the journey west if I don't even like it in person . My brother took me out and let's just say it wasn't an appealing garage. Steven noticed right away that the bonnet and car were two different shades of red and the paint was bubbling. Up close I couldn't tell! It took them a while to get the car out, and they let me take it out without them. It was a nice wee car to drive, I did reverse parking, parallel parking, residential areas and it was good. The state of the car was awful though, dog hairs everywhere, it stank, the paint work chipped on handles. I think they'll have it for a while.
Steven dropped me half way home and I passed these rocks on someone's wall, very cheery.
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