
By wingpig

slip hazard

Whilst I could walk or cycle all day, I don't take naturally to jogging-running. I generally do a burst of it every couple of years, but most recently tried to do some more skipping instead at the start of lockdown, when I went straight from having had several months of only having the time to take the shortest route to and from work to not having a commute at all and having to start work early and work more late to make up my hours alongside homeschooling and feeding everyone every meal every day. Given that every time I start running again I usually go out once, wait a week for the DOMS to clear then go out two or three times a week, this time I took the precaution of doing some extra and fast walking for a couple of months before even attempting to run to remove the best part of an excess stone, then going for at least a small run every day for a couple of weeks, which seems to have avoided the usual stage where I have to hop down stairs trying to only use my ankles and calf muscles.

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