
By amandoAlentejo

Looking on the Bright Side

Lying in bed early this morning, heard a strange sound above the house, wondered at first if it was the cats walking on the roof, then suddenly realised - a balloon whooshing its flame right above us. By the time I grabbed my camera and opened the door, then ran back in to change the lens, it was passing our (so far unoccupied) stork's nest pole. Loved the morning light on its east side.

- Eden's second birthday; we sang and played the cavaquinho to her early on, and seems she enjoyed the cat cake Julia and Beth made for her (see extra); she is a much loved addition to our family for whom we are all extra grateful 
- a normal Sunday for us again, after two Sundays away, with church and Adega, both enjoyable; Sergio served us octopus and roe, as well as cheese today
- still eating grapefruit off our tree, even after taking twenty to UK in March, and the next crop already getting big 

Oh, and I finished The Bee Sting in the early hours, amazing novel, but didn't love it.

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