One life to live

By otornblom

XXVIII Mänttä Art Festival: The Blast

We had our annual family trip to Mänttä Art Festival! Leevi and Ella came by their own car and we had coffee break together in Oritupa.

This largest summer exhibition of Finnish contemporary art has  been curated by Heli Ryhänen this year, and it is entitled Puhallus (The Blast). There are works of a total of 36 artists. We all loved the exhibition very much! In the picture you can see some of Anni Rapinoja's sculptures. Nature lovers may recognise the material used

We also visited Serlachius mueums Gösta (Serlachius Manor): and Gustaf (Serlachius Headquarters)

Gösta exhibitions:
Fade Cut; Devan Shimoyama's barber shop installation
ROR ABC; Revolutions On Request
MASKS; Multiple Identities from Antiquity to Contemporary Art 

Gustaf exhibitions: 
Thank-you Letters; a chain of letters and an exhibition on works having left a permanent impact
Los moimoi de Fuengirola; exhibition and research project on the Finnish identity by Riiko Sakkinen

We had lunch in the Viinitupa Vuorenmaja tavern.

It was great cultural experience! We were back home with Emma in the late afternoon. We had only one hour slot for rest! 

Then back to the car, we drove to Elina's and Janne's roof top apartment to Tampere for get-together. There was Sari and Heka too, and Leevi also joined us later. City was full of young people because of Blockfest, and we could see and hear the festival. We had lovely, relaxed evening!

We were back home quite late. Hubby had a short walk with Peetu and he called that  the whole sky was full of aurora borealis!

+21,7°C, mostly sunny

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