Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Up at ridiculous o'clock as my flight was at 6:40am. All my panic over the phone eased off, when the taxi turned up as ordered and payment was sorted.

I then made my way through security. There were some delays, and whilst queuing an American lady said could she sneak in front of me, as her flight was at 6:30am. There was an hour and 20 minutes before the flight, so I said no. She tried it on with security later on down the line as well and they said no. Reader, she ended up on the same flight as me. Lol!

I had a sleep on the flight back, and then woke to this view of Newport underneath me.

Arrived home nice and early. Had an afternoon snooze, which was much needed.

This weekend has just flown by and it has been absolutely brilliant.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  No phone problems
2.  Snooze catch ups 

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