
By NCDWarks


It feels like I haven't had a proper day off for weeks; even today I'm filling up our new shed whilst constantly feeling drained... But it is what it is.

We have guests today too; my sister-in-law and her partner, Alice and Martin, and their dog, Bo. I know you'd much rather have a snap of Bo for today's blip, but you're stuck with my ugly mug as I celebrate a few minutes of sitting - this is generally a man's favourite task, usually accompanied by a cup of tea or coffee to enjoy the moment.

It's also the best way to get the attention of your wife; the moment you are sitting, a wife's senses will start to tingle and she'll start seeking out her husband to delegate tasks too. I've managed to write this blip whilst enjoying my sitting in the garden, though being out of view probably helps.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 ESV

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