Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob


Off out for Adam's birthday shenanigans today, and it was most excellent! He'd booked out the small screen at the Mockingbird Cinema for a private showing of Blazing Saddles (a movie which I personally don't think is quite funny enough to get away with quite how many edgy/offensive bits there are, but there are a couple great laughs in it); I found myself more entertained by the reactions of the folks that hadn't seen it before, haha! After that we popped to AutoBrew for a few tots, and handily they were showing the Villa game so I got to watch that too. I was very glad we won 2-1 in the end, because if we'd have drawn after that absolute debacle of a penalty-that-shouldn't-have-been-a-penalty I would've been rather cross. A delicious pizza at Baked In Brick later and most people headed home, but Rich, Matt and I decided to nip to NQ64 for a quick couple rounds of Guitar Hero and TMNT. I promise you, despite their very serious faces, they were having fun! Lovely day all round.

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