Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Steers out

Husband wasn't working this weekend but it's his weekend on call if there's problems that one person that was working can't deal with on their own. Well the steers were out someone had gone in their field and left the gate open. So we came down and helped pop them back. She also phoned later to say there was one steer out at swamp so we said we'd go with the drone later and pop him back. In the mean time husband wired in the brake light for the new canopy. I put the weatherproof guards on the locks and we mounted the awning to the set up. We also cut and layed foam squares in the back of the pick up bed. It's looking ready for our adventure now.

After we finished that we headed to swamp to put the steer back only when we got there there was more out. With the drone we found 3 separate lots out and also found where they were escaping. It was in the water dug out. So we phoned the ranch worker to come and put another couple of electric lines across where they were getting out while we worked on getting them all back in. We eventually got them all back in where they should be which was great. Home for dinner and a movie!

"Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up." - Allen Klein

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