It's a New Day, It's a new Life....
And I was feeling like crap.
I got up and had a coffee. I gathered my stuff for the show, and I headed up with them.
I did my regsitration with the lovely registration lady, called Toolibelle.... She registered my 14 Entries.
Pea Pods, 3 White Ontions, 3 Red Onions 3 Potatoes. 1 Wild Flowers, 1 Sweet Peas, 1 Cake, 1 Biscuis (ginger) 1 Biscuit Orange,, 1 Strawberry Jam, 1 Gooseberry Chutney, 1 Blackcurrent Jelly. and .... strawberry and gin.
I then had to go home cause I was feeling awful.
I went to bed and slept for a couple of hours. Got up had a cup of tea, washed my face and headed back up.
Si was still in the judging tent and Tooli was waiting for me. She had had a great morning chatting to everyone. She did warn me though that there was someone after my man. I have already wanred him abou t that.
Tooli settled me with a cup of tea and a burger. and Then we both pulled ourselves together and headed to the tent.
I won, 2 firsts, (Sweet Peas and Pea pods) 2nds for my Biscuits and Cake and Chutney, and for both sets of onions. 1st for Biggest onion.... 2nd for the chutney, and 3rd for my wild flowers and nothing for the jams. (She liked Ginger - so why didn't i get first for my ginger biscuits - I'll tell you why..... I only threw the ginger in once I had mixed everything, I think maybe they were spontaneous ginger biscuits. Only tasting ginger when you got a mouthfull. ha ha ha
job done. Tooli got a bunch of flowers for being fab. Someone pointed out to us that her name is the gaelic version of mine. "No !" really?
We packed up and went home after that. - Si has to go back up tomorrrow for the removal of the gazebo. (Not helping with that one .
I had my toenails cut and painted. Lush. Such a luxury.
Then we had the best indian meal in the world. Seriously it was luch.
Then we watched Nicolas Cage in Arcadia. Scarymovie. It did what it said I got scared,.
Then bed.
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